To delete or hide your profile, follow these steps:
1. In the bottom menu, click on "Settings."
2. In the "Other" section, select "Hide or delete account" and click the "Change" button.
3. If you want to hide your profile, simply click the "Hide" button.
4. If you change your mind and want to delete the profile, click the "Unhide" button and start the process from the beginning, but instead of step 4, choose step 6.
5. If you want to delete the profile, click the "Delete" button.
6. Then select the reason why you want to delete the profile.
7. Enter your password and click the "Delete" button.
Note: If you registered with Gmail or Facebook, a random password was created for you, so you will need to download the password change email first.
If you are unable to delete your account, contact us via email at or
send a message to help.