
To continue your registration, please follow these steps:

1. Open your email inbox and find the email from "" titled "Registration Confirmation".
2. In this email, click on the link provided.
3. If the link is not clickable, highlight it, then select "Copy". Open your web browser, clear the address bar (, right-click, and select "Paste".
4. Fill out the form that appears and click "Create Profile".

If you have not received the email with detailed instructions, please email us at from your registration email address.
If you don't remember your password, follow these steps:

1. On the homepage, click on the "Forgot Password" button.
2. A page will open where you should enter your account email address and click the "Send" button.
3. Then, open your email and find the email titled "Slaptažodžio priminimas" and click on the "Keisti slaptažodį" button.
4. Enter your new password twice and click the "Siųsti" button. The password must contain letters and numbers, with a minimum of 8 characters in total.

Note: If you requested multiple password reminder emails, you will only be able to change your password using the most recent email.
To change your account password, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your account.
2. In the menu at the bottom, click on "Settings".
3. When the settings open, select "Change Password".
4. In the top field, enter your old password, and in the next two fields, enter your new password and click "Save".
5. If you don't remember your old password, click on the "Forgot Password" button at the top.
6. A page will open where you should enter your account email address and click the "Send" button.
7. Then, open your email and find the email titled "Slaptažodžio priminimas" and click on the "Keisti slaptažodį" button.
8. Enter your new password twice and click the "Siųsti" button.

Note: The password must contain letters and numbers, with a minimum of 8 characters in total.
To change the email address on your account, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your account.
2. In the menu at the bottom, click on "Settings".
3. When the settings open, select "Change Email".
4. Enter your new email address twice and click the "Save" button.
5. Then, open your email and find our email with the confirmation link. Confirm the email change.

You can now log in with your new email address.
To delete or hide your profile, follow these steps:

1. In the bottom menu, click on "Settings."
2. In the "Other" section, select "Hide or delete account" and click the "Change" button.
3. If you want to hide your profile, simply click the "Hide" button.
4. If you change your mind and want to delete the profile, click the "Unhide" button and start the process from the beginning, but instead of step 4, choose step 6.
5. If you want to delete the profile, click the "Delete" button.
6. Then select the reason why you want to delete the profile.
7. Enter your password and click the "Delete" button.

Note: If you registered with Gmail or Facebook, a random password was created for you, so you will need to download the password change email first.

If you are unable to delete your account, contact us via email at or send a message to help.

VIP membership and Credits

Please contact us by email or send message to admin and we will fix this problem as soon as possible.
Yes, you can purchase the desired service while abroad:

1. Open the menu.
2. If you want to purchase VIP membership, click on the "Become VIP" button at the top of the menu.
3. If you want to purchase credits, click on the "Buy Credits" link at the bottom of the menu.
4. Choose the payment method, select the service package, and make the payment.

If you have any questions, contact us via email at or send a message to help team.
If you subscribed to a service via SMS:

1. Send an SMS message (0.09 €) with the text VIPS7AT to the number 1679. Keep in mind that if you subscribed with a 1 euro promotion, you can cancel the subscription by sending the code 1EAT to the number 1679.
2. You should receive a response confirming that the subscription has been successfully canceled. If you receive a response saying that you have no subscriptions, make sure you sent the correct code.

Another way to cancel the subscription is through At this address, you can manage all your services subscribed via SMS.

Can't cancel the subscription? Contact us via email at or send a message to help team.
If you subscribed to a service via SMS:

1. Send an SMS message (0.09 €) with the text KR10AT to the number 1679.
2. You should receive a response confirming that the subscription has been successfully canceled. If you receive a response saying that you have no subscriptions, make sure you sent the correct code.

Another way to cancel the subscription is through At this address, you can manage all your services subscribed via SMS.

Can't cancel the subscription? Contact us via email at or send a message to help team.
If you ordered the service with a payment card, contact us via email at or send a message to help team about the wish to stop the subscription no later than 2 days before the renewal of the subscription.


To upload a photo, follow these steps:

1. Open the menu and click on your name at the top.
2. Click the "Add Photo" button.
3. Choose from the available options: "Select Photo", "Take Photo", "Upload from Gallery".
4. After uploading the photo, select the desired image with the frame and click the "Crop" button.

Note: The uploaded photo must be in *jpg format and at least 500x750 pixels.
To upload additional photos, follow these steps:

1. Open the menu and click on the "Photo Gallery" link.
2. Then, select the "My" section at the top.
3. Here, you can create a new album by clicking the "Create Album" button or simply enter an existing one.
4. Click the "Add Photos" button.
5. If you decide to delete a photo, click the settings button and then click "Delete" in the menu that appears.

Note: The uploaded photo must be at least 500x500 pixels in size.

Profile Editing

To change your city, follow these steps:

1. Open the menu and click on your name at the top. This will open your profile.
2. Click on the "Basic Information" link.
3. In the location field, start typing your city.
4. A list of options will appear below; click on the correct one.
5. At the bottom of the page, click the "Save" button.


The internet is a great place to communicate and meet new people, but it's important to remember that, just like in real life, you might encounter people with negative intentions. Therefore, when using, follow these recommendations to stay safe:

1. Do not share your personal contact information. Often, other members ask for phone numbers, social media contacts, email addresses, or even home addresses. Sharing such information is unsafe, so we suggest communicating on to maintain your privacy and easily end conversations with people you don't like.

2. Do not transfer money to strangers. Sometimes, it may seem like you get to know someone through messaging and start to trust them, but if such a person asks to borrow money or help in a sudden emergency by transferring funds, they are likely a scammer.

3. Meet in a public place. If your communication leads to a meeting, always arrange it in a public place, such as a cafe, movie theater, or a walk in the city where you will be surrounded by people. Never meet someone for the first time at your home or in a secluded outdoor spot.
To unblock a member, follow these steps:

1. Open the menu and click on the "Friends and favorites" link.
2. Then, select the "Blocked" section at the top.
3. Click on the three dots in the selected member's photo.
4. A menu will appear; click the "Unblock" button.


The operation of the mobile website or app also depends on the phone model, not every phone model has the necessary parameters to browse the mobile version of the website or app, difficulties may arise when browsing with older Android smartphones. For owners of older Nokia models, we advise you to download the Opera Mini browser and then browse the website.

If the website or app was working before and now it isn't, or if a specific website function is not working, please contact us via email at or send a message to help team
Please contact us immediately by email at, and we will try to remove the incorrect information as soon as possible.
You can contact us in the following ways:

1. Send an email to
2. Log in to the website and send a message directly to the support administrator. You can find this option at the bottom of the menu by clicking on "Have questions? Write to us."